Evaluation of MAJOR and MINOR COURSES for the Undergraduate Degree under NEP:
1. Assessment for Major and Minor Courses is done under two subheads, namely, Continuous Assessment (CA) and Summative Assessment (SA) of 50 marks.
2. There is no minimum marks requirement for passing under individual heads for SA and CA.
3. The passing on 100 marks (40%) will mandatorily be calculated from the total of the two subheads - 50 marks SA and 50 marks CA i.e. a Single Head of Passing
4. It is mandatory for learners to appear for both SA and CA components.
5. For BSc and BSc (IT), Practicals are a separate Head of Passing.
Continuous Assessments (CAs) for MAJOR & MINOR
1. CA activities will be planned and conducted by the respective departments.
2. There will be two CA activities of 25 marks each.
3. It is mandatory for learners to appear for at least one of the two CAs to be eligible for appearing for SA at the end of the Semester. Learners who have not completed any of their CA activities will NOT BE ALLOWED to appear for the SA and will have to appear for the ATKT SA.
4. Learners who have missed one activity due to genuine reasons may apply for an ADDITIONAL CA. The decision of the respective Head of Department is final in this case.
5. Learners’ CA activity-related scores will be shared with them after both the activities are completed.
Summative Assessments (SAs) FOR MAJOR & MINOR
1. If a learner fails in the Summative assessment, she will have to appear for a 100 marks ATKT SA paper of three hours duration, covering the entire syllabus of the Semester.
2. Learners who have not appeared for any of their CA activities are NOT ALLOWED to appear for the SA and will have to give the 100 marks ATKT.
3. Learners who have missed the SA for a genuine issue (supported with a document, subject to approval by the authorities) will appear for an Additional SA of 50 marks.
4. The ATKT and Additional SA will be held after the declaration of the respective semester results.
5. Learners who obtain less than 40 marks out of 100 marks will be declared ‘Fail’.
6. After the Odd Semester Examinations, Learners will be allowed to see their assessed answer papers of SA on a day fixed by the Examination Committee.
7. Grievance Redressal Mechanism for addressing grievances related to SA:
Learners may apply for Reassessment, Photocopying and Revaluation of the SA answer books after the declaration of results in response to the notice posted by the College Office for the same.
8. Student with Learning Disability (LD) will be given extra time for SA, as per the University Rules.
Continuous Assessments (CAs) for COMMON COURSES:
1. CA activities will be planned and conducted by the respective teachers.
2. There will be two CA activities of 20 marks each and 10 marks are assigned for class participation.
3. The passing mark is 20 out 50 (i.e. 40%).
4. Learners who have missed one activity due to genuine reasons, may apply for an ADDITIONAL CA. The decision of the respective Head of Department is final in this case.
5. Learners’ CA activity-related scores will be shared with them after both the activities are completed.
6. Learners who have not cleared their CA in the Common Courses will have to appear for an ATKT CA. These will be held after the declaration of the respective Semester results.
Co-Curricular Courses, Field Projects, Community Engagement Projects and Internships
The responsibility of completing the two credit Co-Curricular Courses, Field Projects, Community Engagement Projects and Internships satisfactorily, as per the rules of the College, falls to the student. Students who do not complete these will not be awarded the requisite credits and will have to do the course again, in the next semester.
IMPORTANT: A Learner must get minimum 12 credits in each semester to be promoted to the next level.
Evaluation Pattern for Post-Graduate Degree in Science under NEP
Evaluation of Mandatory, Elective Courses and Common Course (Research Methodology) for MSc Part -1:
A. Assessment and evaluation pattern will be 50:50. There will be two sub-heads, namely,Summative Assessment (SA) and Continuous Assessment (CA) of 50 marks each for Mandatory courses.
1. Mandatory Subjects, Electives and Practicals will have separate heads of passing.
2. A student needs to secure 40% marks for passing individually in SA and CA.
3. If a student fails, she/he will have to appear for an ATKT examination.
4. Students who have missed the SA for a genuine reason (supported with a document subject to approval by the authorities) will appear for an Additional SA of 50 marks. This Additional/ATKT SA will be held after the declaration of the respective semester results and at the discretion of the PG Examination Committee.
5. Students will be declared FAIL if they scores less than 20 marks out of 50 marks.
6. After the Odd Semester Examinations, teachers will show assessed answer papers of SA to students and discuss the rubric of assessment with them as per a date and time schedule fixed by the PG Examination Committee.
7. Grievance Redressal Mechanism for addressing grievances related to SA:
Students may apply for Reassessment, Photocopying and Revaluation of the SA answer books after the declaration of results in response to the notice posted by the College Office for the same.
8. Student with Learning Disability (LD) will be given extra time for SA, as per the University Rules.
B. Continuous Assessment (CA) for Mandatory Courses:
1. CA activities will be planned and conducted by the respective Departments. The Departments are required to share the details of the CA activities with the Deputy Controller of PG Examinations and PG Co-ordinator (VP- Science).
2. Students’ CA Activity-related scores, with Assessed papers and feedback on their work (I.e. Tests, other Activities, Assignments etc.) must be shared with students.
3. Format of CA for Mandatory courses: Two CA activities of 25 marks each.
CA 1: Test (25 marks)
(Duration for answering the Test: Max. 60 minutes)
CA 2: Any Activity (25 marks)
4. The minimum score to Pass the Course is 20 marks out of 50 marks.
5. If a student does not obtain a Pass mark (i.e. 20 marks) then, she/he will have to appear for a 50-mark ATKT i.e. one IA Test (25 marks) + one Assignment (25 marks).
C. Evaluation for Elective and Common Courses (Research Methodology) under NEP:
1. Format of CA for Elective Courses: Two tests of 25 marks each of subjective type.
Only CA is to be conducted out of 50 marks.
CA 1: Test (25 marks)
(Duration for answering the Test: Max. 60 Minutes)
CA 2: Test (25 marks)
(Duration for answering the Test: Max. 60 Minutes)
2. Format of CA for Common Courses:
CA 1: Test (25 marks)
(Duration for answering the Test: Max. 60 Minutes)
CA 2: Any Activity (25 marks)
3. If a student does not obtain a Pass mark (i.e. 20 marks) then, she/he will have to appear for a 50-mark ATKT i.e. one IA Test (25 marks) + one Assignment (25 marks).
4. The minimum score to pass the Course will be 20 marks out of 50 marks.
5. Students’ CA Activity-related scores with Assessed papers and Feedback (for Tests, Activities, Assignments, etc.) will be shared individually with students.
6. Grievance Redressal Mechanism for addressing grievances related to CAs:
Students are required to apply in a prescribed format to the respective Vice Principals. The grievance will be addressed by involving the concerned faculty and the other Exam Committee member/s deputed by the Principal.
Declaration of Results under NEP:
The declaration of the result is based on the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) earned towards the end of each Semester. At the end of six Semesters, the student earns the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
Grade Points and Letter Grades
% of Marks |
Grade Point |
Letter Grade Result |
90.0 - 100 |
9.00 - 10.00 |
O (Outstanding) |
80.0 - <90.0 |
8.00 - <9.00 |
A+ (Excellent) |
70.0 - <80.0 |
7.00 - <8.00 |
A (Very Good) |
60.0 - <70.0 |
6.00 - <7.00 |
B+ (Good) |
55.0 - <60.0 |
5.50 - <6.00 |
B (Above Average) |
50.0 - <55.0 |
5.00 - <5.50 |
C (Average) |
40.0 - <50.0 |
4.00 - <5.00 |
P (Pass) |
Below 40 |
Below 4.00 |
F (Fail) |