Sophia College for Women
(Empowered Autonomous)
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A national level, multidisciplinary online students' research journal by IQAC Sophia College (Autonomous), Mumbai

Sophia Luminous is a national level, multidisciplinary online students' research journal published by IQAC Sophia College (Autonomous), Mumbai. The journal aims to encourage and publish students’ research across subjects and study areas. We hope to add and provide knowledgeable insights into various academic developments through a double-blind review of research papers and articles. Therefore, we encourage all students interested in developing their research skills to submit papers to this journal.


“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.” ~ Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Sophia Luminous envisions fostering a research culture among students in their early stages of higher education. The journal encourages students to discover and disseminate knowledge that can ameliorate the world around us. Hence, the main vision behind this research endeavour is the discussion of questions that are relevant to our contemporary living and situatedness, the creation of practicable alternatives and solutions, and the maintenance of a proactive space that will evince the pursuit to excellence.

The vision and purpose of this journal are:

  • - to nurture a research acumen among students
  • - to sensitise them towards emerging research trends
  • - to enrich the minds of readers from various disciplines
  • - to hone the leadership abilities and editing skills of the contributors.

The journal aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • - encourage and promote emerging research
  • - provide authoritative peer-reviewed papers to researchers
  • - to enrich the minds of readers from various disciplines
  • -increase public accessibility to new advancements in research.

Patron: Dr Anagha Tendulkar, Principal, Sophia College and Head, Dept. of Sociology

IQAC Coordinator, Editor ex officio: Dr T. C Roy, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Sophia College

Editorial Board (Teachers)

Dr Elwin Susan John: Asst. Professor, Dept. of English, Sophia College

Associate Editors
Dr Geetanjali Ganguly: :Dept. of Life Sciences, Sophia College
Ms Sukanya Menon: Dept. of Sociology, Sophia College
Dr Nisha Vishwanathan: Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Ms Charulika Dhawan: Fulbright Alumni, University of Utah, USA

Editorial Board (Students)

Ms Sarah Samuel Mathai: TYBA

Associate Editors
Ms Roseina Coutinho: :SYBA (SCJ)
Ms Benysha Shukhla: Alumna (Arts)
Ms Isha Barve: Alumna (Sciences)
Ms Lavanya Mohan: Alumna (Arts)

Sub Editors
Ms Aditi Amonkar: :SYBA (SCJ)
Ms Haritha Vattolikal: TYBA
Ms Jasmine Alappat: SYBA
Ms Muskan Singh: TYBA
Ms Tania Shroff: SYBSc